All my offerings are love notes from my soul to yours, soulful and heart lead, rich in deeper self connection to encourage this magic and light within to activate and lead you home.

Yoga Classes

LOCATION - CRYSTAL CLARITY YOGA STUDIO, CLARKSON. Opposite Starbucks in the big carpark area by the pet shop.

I offer 2 styles of yoga. Slow Flow and Yin. These can be for any level. A beautiful practice to bring awareness to your Body, Mind and Breath. To offer yourself some physical movement and relaxation.

Soulful Rising

Sacred Soul-Care

These are offered through out the year. Weekend Fri-Sun and 5-6hr day/evening retreats to immerse self in deeper.

MARCH 8th Day/Evening retreat info HERE.


Beginners Yoga

A 6 week Beginners Yoga journey to start at the foundations and fundamentals of yoga. More Info here.

A quarterly 3hr event held at different locations to align with my intention for each event. A basis of giving back to self..your own Sacred SoulCare we all need from all the ‘doing’ life demands. Each event differs slightly based on theme but all will have movement, meditation, activity/ritual, journalling, snacks/drinks,sound and cards. Jump to EVENTS to book.

A monthly event i’ve been doing for about 4years, 90mins of reflection, reset and reconnection. Letting go and setting intentions, journalling, meditation, cards and sound. A way to ‘Rise’ into your highest self for each month ahead.

Get the first announcement of special events by signing up below.

Special Memberships and Subscriptions are coming soon for the ones that want it all.

PLant seeds of nourishment , nurture and self care to support YOU.